A Complete Spiritual Check Up.

Truly Committed Christians,

God Wants To Teach You the Bible.
Using Every Scripture In The New Testament Bible
- God desires to teach every New Christian the Word Of God before they are taught by anyone else.
God desires that the Body Of Christ be in total unity with each other.
Man took over the initial teaching of all new believers many many years ago.
According to Google, we have now created 45,000
different organizations and denominations with every group thanking theirs is the best.
- What a wonderful job we did with creating unity.
- God has a solution, and that is what my book,
- Becoming A Man Or Woman Of God
is about. God wants to teach you the Bible.
Audio Recording Of The First Seven Chapters Are Free For Your Review.
The main purpose of this book is to show you that God Himself wants to teach you the word of God, Matthew through revelations.
God told me that He wanted me to let Him teach me the Bible for six months,
I agreed. During that time of Him teaching me the Bible,
I started hearing many scriptures saying the same thing over and over again.
These are scriptures that I had never been taught or I had never studied,
and I labeled these scriptures or named these scriptures,

The Bibleās Untold Truths. .
Please listen to the first seven chapter of this book
and decide if you would like to help me share this book worldwide.
Chapters 8-15 contain additionalĀ Bibleās Untold TruthsĀ that are life changing.
These are the scriptures that create a daily life style, that God expects all true Christians to live by.
Chapter 1
Overview of the information offered.Chapter 2
Additional Overview of the information offeredChapter 3
Understand the soul.